Supplemental Figures for "Relaxin Modulates the Genomic Actions and Biological Effects of Estrogen in the Myometrium" by Tripathy et al. (2024)

Published: 4 September 2024| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/t6m9hj4wm8.1
W. Lee Kraus


This file contains Supplemental Figures 1-13 for "Relaxin Modulates the Genomic Actions and Biological Effects of Estrogen in the Myometrium" by Tripathy et al. (2024) published in Endocrinology. Estradiol (E2) and relaxin (Rln) are steroid and polypeptide hormones, respectively, with important roles in the female reproductive tract, including myometrium. Some actions of Rln, which are mediated by its membrane receptor RXFP1, require or are augmented by E2 signaling through its cognate nuclear steroid receptor, estrogen receptor alpha (ER). In contrast, other actions of Rln act in opposition to the effects of E2. Here we explored the molecular and genomic mechanisms that underlie the functional interplay between E2 and Rln in the myometrium. We used both ovariectomized female mice and immortalized human myometrial cells expressing wild-type or mutant ER (hTERT-HM-ER cells). Our results indicate that Rln modulates the genomic actions and biological effects of estrogen in the myometrium and myometrial cells by reducing phosphorylation of ER on serine 118 (S118), as well as by reducing the E2-dependent binding of ER across the genome. These effects were associated with changes in the hormone-regulated transcriptome, including a decrease in the E2-dependent expression of some genes and enhanced expression of others. The inhibitory effects of Rln cotreatment on the E2-dependent phosphorylation of ER required the nuclear dual-specificity phosphatases DUSP1 and DUSP5. Moreover, the inhibitory effects of Rln were reflected in a concomitant inhibition of the E2-dependent contraction of myometrial cells. Collectively, our results identify a pathway that integrates Rln/RXFP1 and E2/ER signaling, resulting in a convergence of membrane and nuclear signaling pathways to control genomic and biological outcomes. KEYWORDS Estrogen, estradiol, relaxin, dual-specificity phosphatase, myometrium, estrogen receptor, relaxin receptor, contraction. ABBREVIATIONS E2, estradiol; Rln, relaxin; RXFP1, relaxin family peptide receptor 1 (relaxin receptor); DUSP, dual-specificity phosphatase; ChIP, chromatin immunoprecipitation; RT-qPCR, reverse transcription-quantitative PCR.


Steps to reproduce

See detailed methods in the paper.


The University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center Cecil H and Ida Green Center for Reproductive Biology Sciences


Endocrinology, Genomics, Estrogen Receptor, Relaxin, Biomedical Research


National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases

R01 DK058110
