Experimental evidence of D-glutamate racemase activity in the uncultivated CPR bacterium Saccharimonas aalborgensis
ORIGINAL AND RAW DATA associated with the article by Peñalver et al. "Experimental evidence of D-glutamate racemase activity in the uncultivated CPR bacterium Saccharimonas aalborgensis". In this study a glutamate (Glu) racemate from an uncultivated bacteria was expressed in a Salmonella D-Glu auxotroph and proved to complement the phenotype. Peptidoglycan structure of the Salmonella strain expressing this racemase was also characterised. RAW DATA OF FIGURE 1: shown in SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL Tables S1-S2-S3. FIGURE 2: accession numbers of protein structures indicated in figure legend RAW DATA FIGURE 3: Original Western images and Petri dishes photographies. RAW DATA FIGURE 4: HPLC of in vitro assays with purified racemases. Files from CHROMELEON software. Includes data shown in Figure S4 Supplementary Material. RAW DATA FIGURE 5: HPLC of peptidoglycan samples (2 biological replicates) from the indicated Salmonella strains. Files from CHROMELEON software. RAW DATA FIGURES 6-7-8-9: proteomic data deposited in the MassIVE repository (https://massive.ucsd.edu/ProteoSAFe/static/massive.jsp) under the accession MSV000093018. RAW DATA OF SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL: Includes data shown in Figures S1, S2 and S3.
Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades
PID2020 112971GB-I00 / MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033