Identification, characterization, and functional analysis of Toll and ECSIT in Exopalaemon carinicauda

Published: 18 November 2020| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/t8f677th22.1
Qianqian Ge


Research hypothesis: clarify the immune response of Toll and ECSIT in Exopalaemon carinicauda; My data shows: (1) the the protein structure, multiple alignmentand phylogenetic tree of EcToll and EcECSIT from E. carinicauda. (2) Tissue distribution of EcToll (A) and EcECSIT (B) mRNA transcripts in healthy E. carinicauda. (3) The expression patterns of EcToll and EcECSIT mRNA in gills from E. carinicauda challenged with V. parahaemolyticus. (4) The transcript expression patterns of AMPs in gills from E. carinicauda challenged with V. parahaemolyticus. (5) RNA interference efficiency of EcToll and EcECSIT in the gills of E. carinicauda. (6) Roles of EcToll and EcECSIT in shrimp antibacterial responses. (7) The expression patterns of EcECSIT and AMP genes after knock-down of EcToll. (8) The expression patterns of AMP genes after knock-down of EcECSIT. Notable findings: EcToll restricted V. parahaemolyticus infection through activating EcECSIT to induce AMPs. How the data can be interpreted: The relative expression levels of these immune-related genes were calculated according to the 2-△△CT method. The relative mRNA expression levels were shown as a combined scatter and box plot graphs and 4 individual samples were used in each experimental group. Six or three shrimp were pooled to be as one individual sample.



Immunity, Shrimp
