Line bisection error and alteration of visuospatial attention allocation in VR

Published: 7 February 2022| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/t8fhzrn5jy.1
, Tamás Páll, Kristóf Topa, Andras Zsido


To understand the nature of the respondent participants’ hemispatial activity in Virtual Reality (VR) a Line Bisection Test (LBT) was administered both in a conventional real environment and the same LBT was applied in a virtual environment to assess the rate of the pseudoneglect of visual hemispace. The assumption was that the mental construction of the VR increases the visuospatial activity in the right hemisphere-related cognitive processes, and the consequence of this activity alteration occurs in the direction and rate of line bisection lateral error. Conclusion: The present study provides evidence of the feasibility and validity of the VR version of the classical pen-and-paper-based Line Bisection Test.



Psychology, Virtual Reality
