Use of Volumetric Capnogram (VCO2 monitoring) for Determination of Optimal PEEP in ARDS Patients: A Randomized Controlled Study
Volumetric capnogram can be used to monitor VCO2 during mechanical ventilation in ARDS patients. It is postulated that increments of PEEP values cause a decrease inVCO2, which recover quickly to baseline if not associated with a compromise of the pulmonary perfusion (cardiac output). PEEP value above the optimal level causes a decrease in cardiac output and hence CO2 delivery and elimination. Thus, a decrease in VCO2 with failure to recover to baseline is observed, and the preceding PEEP value can be considered as the optimum PEEP. Our study aimed at comparing the use of VCO2 obtained from volumetric capnogram to detect optimal PEEP vs traditional ARDSNet FiO2- PEEP combination, through its effects on oxygenation, alveolar ventilation and static compliance. These are the raw data of results of the study