OLUTM Model Dataset

Published: 16 November 2021| Version 3 | DOI: 10.17632/t9p23k3pyn.3
Martin Garcia-Fry


The data here was used to simulate transportation and land-use models. Files (1-3) are our base data with travel simulation outcomes. File (4) is the data collected for the Employment Distribution model in the manuscript. File (5 and 7) are necessary data pools to perform File 6; the Employment Allocation Model. The Household Allocation Model also requires the use of raw data in File 7 and File 1. The decision-making process for the Household Allocation model and the Employment Allocation model is based on the Monte Carlo instrument in File 8. Lastly, Land use change sampling and the maximized model are available following data from our synthetic dataset (FIle 2). All the information is based on several input requirements for an integrated land use and transport microsimulation model. The information within corresponds to the data sample collected on-site in September 2019 (File 1). The rest of the datasets are openly provided by the local government of Indonesia on websites cited in the manuscript. Datasets are all used for microsimulation models in the manuscript.


Steps to reproduce

(1) Gather a minimum of 26 household interviews by surveying a target population as a data sample. (2) Prepare the data by making a synthetic dataset statistically equivalent to the data sample. (3) Cluster households of the population with: (3.1) the household composition proportional to the data sample with a number of adults per household, either 1;2; or 3 [File 1]; (3.2) All households of a cluster must have their occupational profile and their household composition represented within a Land Use State in [File 2-tab 2]; and, (3.3) find a lifestyle segmentation system suitable for developing countries (www.arellano.com.pe) and cluster individuals proportional to the number of segments in the data sample. (4) Form the clusters manually, or preferably using a computational programming script as the interface to form clusters from a synthetic dataset, proportionally to the data sample. Finally, clusters are to be used in Chapter 5, sub-section 5.3 of the research article associated to these datasets.


Tohoku Daigaku - Aobayama Campus


Engineering, Transport, Urban Studies, Land Use, Population Resettlement
