LPH Marks et al. Publicly Available Dataset

Published: 16 March 2021| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/t9wbtt3mt2.1
Charles Marks


This dataset and R code accompanies a manuscript submitted by Marks et al. to Lancet Public Health entitled "Identifying Counties at Risk of High Overdose Mortality Burden Throughout the Emerging Fentanyl Epidemic in the United States: A Predictive Statistical Modeling Study". The analyses and results are available in the manuscript. All publicly available data used in the study is included in this dataset, in addition to several additional variables. Since the study used restricted mortality records from the CDC, we have censored all variables derived from this restricted data. Given access to the restricted data, researchers can add these variables to this dataset in the indicated columns. The accompanying R Code was used for the analysis.


Steps to reproduce

Please see the manuscript for details about how this dataset was collected. We note here, as well, that the median income variable has been log-transformed in the dataset.


University of California San Diego


Machine Learning
