India Hybrid IO Table 2015

Published: 30 July 2021| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/t9z2t6d7s4.1
Dipti Gupta


The Hybrid IO Table for India 2015 was created through data harmonization of the Energy Balance by IEA and supply-use tables by the Ministry of Statistics and Program Implementation. Creating an IO Table from Supply Use Table 2015: The manufacturing and repair columns of supply and use sheets are merged. 140x66 matrix is created into a 65x65 matrix by merging rows of products to match industries (MoSPI, 2016) A 65x65 IO matrix is then derived using matrix manipulation. Aggregating IOT for Hybrid IOT Using IO table from SUT 2015-2016 and aggregating sectors consistent with EB aggregation. Three separate tables are created, namely, energy volume (Ktoe), energy prices (Lakh Rs/ Ktoe) and energy expenses (Lakh Rs). Treatment of transport fuel consumption in non-transport sectors: Energy expenses for all petroleum products + coke taken from IO and are subtracted by expenses of coke and non-transport fuels generated by the energy balance. The ratios thus obtained are used to divide the consumption of transport fuels by non-household and non-transport firms. Road transport fuels are road petrol and road diesel. The subsequently generated values are used in energy volume table to denote the consumption of transport fuels in sectors other than transport. (road transport consumption volume is taken from IO expense/price from energy price table) Treatment of Energy Expenses (dividing expenses from residual industry and other services to other sectors: We divide the consumption from residual industry and other services to sectors -- coal, crude oil and non-transport fuels (NTF), transport fuels (TF), biomass, natural gas, construction, air, water & road transport (rest already accounted for in eb_disaggr_exp). Treatment of Natural Gas consumption in the Industry Sector: Natural gas consumption for various industries needs is treated for energy volume table. Expenses of Natural gas (and “gas”) is taken from IO and divided by prices from energy prices, this volume distribution of natural gas consumption is used as a ratio to divide natural gas consumption for residual industries from eb_disaggr_comm. (except for the iron and steel industry whose consumption is already specified in eb_disaggr_comm, natural gas + gas works gas). The values taken are for industries → chemical and petrochemical, construction, residual industries. Treating distribution of non-specified industrial coal: Non-specified industrial coal is distributed between consumer sectors based on the ratio of unaccounted IOT volume by EBxEP. Volumes for aluminium and cement industry have been estimated from secondary sources mentioned in the excel sheet. EBxEP values of sector 30 and crude oil are more than IO values reported hence no additional coal can be attributed.



Input-Output Table
