Divine Love and the darknight journey

Published: 15 December 2023| Version 2 | DOI: 10.17632/tbbngdd494.2
Sunil Maria Benedict


This dataset delves into the profound realm of divine love within the context of Christian mysticism, exploring the intricate relationship between human longing, desire, and the divine theme of love. Christian mystics often perceive the soul's yearning for God as an expression of divine love, a magnetic force drawing the individual closer to the divine presence. The dataset employs a mathematical framework termed "Attraction Force," conceptualising divine love as an attractive force akin to gravitational attraction. This mathematical model is designed to symbolise the captivating pull of God's love on the yearning soul. Represented as Attraction(r) = k × Q × M / r^2, this equation characterises the force of divine love at varying distances 'r' from the divine source. Within this model, 'k' signifies the strength of the divine attraction, while 'Q' and 'M' represent properties attributed to the soul and the divine, respectively. By merging poetic allegory with mathematical abstraction, this dataset seeks to illuminate the mystical concept of divine love as an alluring force that draws the soul nearer to God. It aims to explore the dynamic interplay between the soul's yearning and the divine's beckoning love, fostering a deeper understanding of the mystical dimensions of love and spiritual attraction in Christian theology. This interdisciplinary approach invites scholarly investigation and analysis across diverse domains, offering insights into the metaphysical nuances of divine love and its transformative impact on the human soul's spiritual journey towards union with the divine.


Steps to reproduce

import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D # Define the logistic function representing the depth of the dark night experience def darkness_experience(t, A, b): return A / (1 + np.exp(-b * t)) # Generating time values from 0 to 10 time_values = np.linspace(0, 10, 100)[:, None] # Adjust the range and number of points as needed # Generating A and b values for meshgrid A_values = np.linspace(2, 8, 100) # Varying initial depth of darkness (A) b_values = np.linspace(0.1, 1, 100) # Varying rate of decline (b) # Create meshgrid for A and b values A, b = np.meshgrid(A_values, b_values) # Calculate the depth of dark night experience at each A, b, time value darkness_values = darkness_experience(time_values, A[..., None], b[..., None]) # Plotting the 3D graph fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 8)) ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d') ax.plot_surface(A, b, darkness_values.squeeze(), cmap='viridis') ax.set_title('3D Visualization of Dark Night of the Soul') ax.set_xlabel('Initial Depth of Darkness (A)') ax.set_ylabel('Rate of Decline (b)') ax.set_zlabel('Depth of Darkness Experience') plt.show()


CMR Jnanadhara Trust, CMR Group of institutions


Mathematics, Philosophy of Religion, Spiritual Healing, Spirituality, Psychology of Religion
