MEDI microgravity experiment Thermal Dataset
The Multiple Equiaxed Dendrite Interaction (MEDI) experiment was launched by the Swedish Space Corporation on the MASER-13 sounding rocket campaign to investigate polycrystalline equiaxed solidification in the transparent phase change material Neopentylgycol-30wt.%(d)Camphor. This dataset contains the recorded thermal histories taken from five thermocouples used onboard the flight experiment. In addition, derived datasets are also presented to allow users to define the boundary conditions. The process of derivation for the boundary conditions is contained in the journal submission [Mooney et al. Thermal characterisation with modelling for a microgravity experiment into polycrystalline equiaxed dendritic solidification with in-situ observation, (submitted) 2017]
Steps to reproduce
Data is arranged in columnwise format within a spreadsheet. Headers (rows 1 to 4) contain data descriptors, data labels (row 4) are described in the journal submission: [Mooney R.P., Sturz L., Zimmermann G., McFadden S., Thermal characterisation with modelling for a microgravity experiment into polycrystalline equiaxed dendritic solidification with in-situ observation, (submitted) 2017.] Acknowledgement to be provided to the European Space Agency CETSOL Microgravity Application Programme as described in the publication: [Zimmermann et al., Columnar and Equiaxed Solidification of Al-7 wt.% Si Alloys in Reduced Gravity in the Framework of the CETSOL Project, JOM, 69(8) pp1269-1279, 2017]