Dawson et al.2021_Environmental Transmission_Phylodynamics_RSI

Published: 8 April 2021| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/tbwx3fdmym.1


This dataset is associated with a manuscript entitled "Inferring environmental transmission using phylodynamics: A case-study using simulated evolution of an enteric pathogen" by Dawson et al., submitted for consideration for publication in The Journal of Royal Society Interface in April, 2021. This dataset contains the scripts and data necessary to reproduce the results presented in that manuscript. The dataset also included a "Readme" file explaining the contents of the dataset in greater detail.


Steps to reproduce

These data and scripts were created, as described in the paper by Dawson et al. 2021. If this manuscript is not published by RSI, please contact the author (Daniel Dawson, daniel.dawson1081@gmail.com) for these details.


North Carolina State University


Phylogenetics, Disease Modeling, Disease Transmission
