Gestion de la innovacion en educacion superior

Published: 11 October 2023| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/tc6jhchxvg.1
Karina Rosas-Paredes,


Currently the most developed societies invest in science and technology, due to the generation of knowledge and innovations, which apply scientific techniques and technological knowledge, fundamental for economic growth and social progress, for this it is necessary to generate periodically the mapping of the maturity level of the projects. The objective of this article is to map the level of maturity of technological innovation within a University of Arequipa, Peru, using two tools for its measurement: Technology Readiness Levels and the Minimum Viable Innovation System that allows validating the main value hypotheses and building a final product. These tools were applied by means of a survey to the leaders of 186 projects financed by the University. The results of both measurements were compared and showed that, of the total responses obtained, they evidenced an average level of technological innovation, thus concluding that the technological innovation projects in the University of the case study, is of medium level with a tendency to rise.



Universidad Catolica de Santa Maria de Arequipa


Artificial Intelligence, Educational Innovation, Competency in Education, IoT Application


Consejo Nacional de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación Tecnológica

Programa Iberoamericano de Ciencia y Tecnología para el Desarrollo
