Dataset for Transient and persistent efficiency and spatial spillovers: Evidence from the Portuguese wine industry

Published: 10 June 2021| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/tcymhpxc86.1
Samuel Faria


This dataset consists of full database of finantial and operational data of Portuguese firms covering the period 2014-2019. In addition, geographical location data is also shared, in order to construct the spatial weights matrix. The Stata do. file is also shared with the computed routines explained in the manuscript. Any question/inquiry should be addressed to


Steps to reproduce

1 - Plug dataset into Stata 2 - Open spatial weight matrix in Stata (as do. file indicates) 3 - Run the steps to obtain the estimations (follow the do. file - be aware of the tests/procedures, and read the manuscript for guidance regarding the steps)


Universidade de Tras-os-Montes e Alto Douro Departamento de Economia Sociologia e Gestao


Agricultural Economics, Wine, Stochastic Frontier Modeling, Spatial Econometrics
