Romanian Earthquake Catalogue (ROMPLUS)

Published: 11 February 2022| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/tdfb4fgghy.1
, Andreea Chircea,
, Cristian Neagoe,


ROMPLUS 984-2021 (Romanian earthquake catalogue) The ROMPLUS catalogue is based on compiled data and on new locations. For the period 984-1979, locations were compiled from the Constantinescu and Marza (1980) catalogue; for the period 1980-1990, all events were located based on analog seismograms. After 1990, location of the earthquakes was done using digital recordings. Between 1990 and the end of 2013, locations were determined using the HYPOPLUS (Oncescu et al., 1996) program, a 1D velocity model and stations corrections. Starting with 2014, the earthquake location is obtained using Antelope software. In the present form, a single magnitude scale (Mw moment magnitude scale) is adopted for all the events. Different magnitude scales (MGR, MS, mb, ML and MD) used before 2014 were converted into Mw, based on calibration relations presented in Oncescu et al., 1999. References: Oncescu M.C., Marza V.I., Rizescu M., Popa M. (1999). The Romanian earthquake catalogue between 984-1997, F.Wenzel et al. (eds.), Vrancea Earthquakes: Tectonics, Hazard and Risk Mitigation, 43-47, Kluwer Academic Publishers. Oncescu M.C., Rizescu M., Bonjer K.P. (1996). SAPS – A completely automated and networked seismological acquisition and processing system, Computers & Geosciences 22, 89-97. Constantinescu L. and Marza V.I. (1980). A computer-compiled and computer-oriented catalogue of Romania’s earthquakes during a millennium (AD 984-1979), Rev. Roum. Geophys. 24, 193-234.



Institutul National de Cercetare-Dezvoltare pentru Fizica Pamantului


Seismology, Romania, Earthquake
