Data on key forestry descriptors for the FLR-library reference information system (systematical dataset)

Published: 12 December 2023| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/tdknt4gvrj.1


The data set contains information on the terminology of the countries of the world engaged in active forestry activities and/or that have made a significant contribution to the study of reforestation, afforestation, and promotion of natural reforestation, such as Russia, China, USA, Serbia, Iran, India, and others by key descriptors: "forest", "forest landscapes", "adaptive reforestation", "concepts of adaptive reforestation", "forest type", "forest area", "forest area", "forest lands" and others. Russian Russian term, English term, definition in Russian, definition in English, source, country, year, authors, link to the source. The data set contains: the term in Russian, the term in English, the definition in English, the definition in English, the source, country, year, authors, reference to the source.The work was carried out with the financial support of the Russian Science Foundation within the framework of the scientific project "Development of a reference information system for adaptive restoration of forest landscapes (FLR-Library)" (No. 23-26-00102 dated 12.01.2023).


Steps to reproduce

The papers were searched by entering keywords on various scientific sites, including Google Scholar and Web of Science, Scopus. Many keywords were used to search for relevant publications, such as "forest", "forest landscapes", "adaptive reforestation", "concepts of adaptive reforestation". Also, the data descriptor was searched on the websites of international organizations such as FAO, IUFRO. 121 definitions were collected and analyzed for more than 30 descriptors, such as "forest", "forest landscapes", "adaptive reforestation", "concepts of adaptive reforestation", "reforestation", "afforestation", "stand", "forest plantation", "forest complex", "forest landscape", "type of forest" and others.


Voronezskij gosudarstvennyj lesotehniceskij universitet imeni G F Morozova


Landscape, Afforestation, Reforestation, Forest, Database, Adaptive System


Russian Science Foundation

