Validation data set to: Predicting biochar properties and pyrolysis life-cycle inventories with compositional modeling
This dataset provides the complete validation dataset used to validate the model developed in "Predicting biochar properties and pyrolysis life-cycle inventories with compositional modeling" by Seth Kane and Sabbie A. Miller published in Bioresource Technology. Validation data is provided for biochar properties and composition (carbon content, hydrogen content, oxygen content and ash), bio-oil yield and composition (carbon content, hydrogen content, oxygen content and higher heating value (HHV)), and syngas yield and composition (CO2, CO, H2, and CH4). Omitted values were not reported by the referenced study. When lignin, cellulose, hemicellulose, or ash content of the biomass feedstock were not reported by the referenced study, an average of data from the Phyllis2 database were used and referenced by their Phyllis2 database numbers used in the averaging (TNO, 2023). If no Phyllis2 reference number is given, the value was reported by the original study.