Respirator sterilization raw data

Published: 2 July 2020| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/tf62c3ckhr.1
Jan Malec,


The workbooks with the name formatted as $doserate-$resp_type-$freq(-$rtype) are particle removal efficiency measurements for respirators that were irradiated with $doserate dose rate of ionizing radiation of type $rtype. $resp_type indicates the respirator type used. The nanoparticle total concentration (TC) and time-dependant size distribution was measured with a Scanning Mobility Particle Sizer (SMPS model 3080 L85; TSI Co., Shoreview, MN, USA) equipped with a desiccator, soft X-ray neutralizer, long differential mobility analyser (DMA), and a water condensation particle counter (WCPC; model 3785; TSI). The electrical mobility diameter of counted nanoparticles was from 13 nm to 572.5 nm. The air flow at the inlet of the SMPS was 4.1 l/min. The aerosol standard ISO 12103-1 A1 was dispersed in the sampling chamber during the measurements with a Topas SAG 410 aerosol generator. The Raman spectra was recorded using a WITec Alpha 300 RS scanning confocal Raman microscope in backscattered geometry with a polarized Nd:YAG laser operating at the 532 nm wavelength. The laser beam was focused through a 20x/0.4 microscope objective. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) analysis was carried out on a TFA XPS spectrometer (Physical Electronics inc.). The analyzed area was 0.4 mm in diameter and about 3–5 nm in depth.



Institut Jozef Stefan


Raman Spectroscopy, Personal Protective Equipment, X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy, Aerosol Filtration, Radiation Sterilization
