Historical fog climate dataset for carpathian basin countries

Published: 25 July 2022| Version 3 | DOI: 10.17632/tfwkmjr49c.3
arun gandhi,
, Judit Ilona,


This data repository contain historical fog climate data set for Hungary and Carpathain basin countries from 1886 to 1919. The dataset was obtained from the yearbooks of the Royal Hungarian Central Institute of Meteorology and Earth Magnetism (RHCIMEM) established in 1870 to investigate the climatic features of Hungary during the time of the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy. The yearbooks provide daily meteorological data, recorded 3 times a day at 07:00, 14:00 and 21:00 local time. The yearbooks have recorded dataset on quantitative variables like temperature (Celsius), pressure (mmHg), vapour pressure (mmHg), relative humidity (%), cloudiness (tenth), wind direction (quarter), wind speed (Beaufort number) and precipitation (mm) The daily dataset from 1886 to 1919 recorded in the yearbooks was transformed into MS excel tables. The occurrence of fog is denoted by 1 and rest of data (where no fog was detected) is denoted by 0. The recorded data were visually checked and compared with the records in the yearbooks. The historical dataset can be used to study the annual and seasonal changes in frequency and duration of fog events in the Carpathian Basin, thus facilitating research in the field of fog climatology and forecast.



Eotvos Lorand Tudomanyegyetem


Meteorology, Climatology, Time Series, Fog
