Data for: Critical assessment of the alleged failure of the Classical Nucleation Theory at low temperatures
Excel file with the results from the paper "Critical assessment of the alleged failure of the Classical Nucleation Theory at low temperatures". Each sheet in the file refers to a different glass batch. The column headings are: Td: development temperature; Tn: nucleation temperature; Reached Steady State: boolean variable, if 0 then steady-state was not reached, 1 otherwise; Ist: steady-state crystal nucleation rate; err_Ist: uncertainty in the steady-state crystal nucleation rate; tau: nucleation time-lag; err_tau: uncertainty in the nucleation time-lag; t0: time-shift of the nucleation density curve due to the double-stage heat treatment; DGv: change in Gibbs free energy due to crystal nucleation; viscosity: shear viscosity; err_viscosity: uncertainty in the shear viscosity; Dn: diffusion coefficient computed via Stokes-Einstein-Eyring equation; err_Dn: uncertainty in the diffusion coefficient; sigma: interfacial energy; err_sigma: uncertainty in the interfacial energy; d0: size of the diffusing structural units. All units in SI.