An Open Source Head-Fixation and Implant-Protection System for Mice

Published: 16 August 2022| Version 2 | DOI: 10.17632/tgggwcmhyz.2
Isaac Weaver


These files accompany the paper entitled "An Open Source Head-Fixation and Implant-Protection System for Mice" in HardwareX. We kindly ask that you cite our HardwareX paper if you use any of our files. Here we present a suite of open source, customizable head fixation designs with standard variants including head-fix hardware as well as implant protection systems. 3D printable files are included as both .stl (for easy upload and printing with no modifications) as well as .sldprt (for modification in SolidWorks). Please note that ALL Headbar designs DO work with the same Headfix Mounting Hardware, for ease of integration. In this file repository you will find: 1)"Headfix Mounting Hardware V1.2" - these files correspond to the fork-like design in the Headfix Rig used to immobilize the Headbar affixed to the mouse's skull. This design works with ALL Headbar variants (e.g. V1.2, V3.1, V4.0). 2) "Headbar V1.2" - these files correspond to the simplified Headbar design that does not have attachment points for the HeadHat. This design offers no implant protection. 3) "Headbar V3.1" - these files correspond to a modified Headbar design that does have attachment points for the V3.1 HeadHat. This Headbar/HeadHat combination is appropriate for small electrode and cannula guide implants. 4) "HeadHat V3.1" - these files are for the HeadHat V3.1 which clips onto the HeadbarV3.1 for the protection of implants 5) "V3.1_dimensions" - this is a .pdf file detailing dimensions of this HeadbarV3.1/HeadHat V3.1 combination. 6) "HeadbarV4.0" - these files correspond to a modified Headbardesign that does have attachment points for the V4.0 HeadHat. This design has a larger footprint than the other variants. This Headbar/HeadHat combination is appropriate for large electrode or other implants. 7) "HeadHat V4.0" - these files are for the HeadHat V4.0 which clips onto the HeadbarV4.0 for the protection of implants 8) "V4.0_dimensions" - this is a .pdf file detailing dimensions of this HeadbarV4.0/HeadHat V4.0 combination. 9) "Headfix Base Drill Pattern" - this is a .pdf diagram detailing the four holes that will need to be made in the plastic base during assembly of the Headfix Rig in order to headfix an animal.


Steps to reproduce

3D printing and assembly methods are detailed in the paper entitled "An Open Source Head-Fixation and Implant-Protection System for Mice" in HardwareX. If you use any of these files, we kindly ask that you cite our HardwareX paper.


Duke University


Neuroscience, Biomedical Engineering, Behavioral Neuroscience, Behavioral Neuropharmacology
