ACFlow: An open source toolkit for analytic continuation of quantum Monte Carlo data

Published: 22 August 2023| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/th6w74gwjm.1


The purpose of analytic continuation is to establish a real frequency spectral representation of single-particle or two-particle correlation function (such as Green's function, self-energy function, spin and charge susceptibilities) from noisy data generated in finite temperature quantum Monte Carlo simulations. It requires numerical solutions of a family of Fredholm integral equations of the first kind, which is indeed a challenging task. In this paper, an open source toolkit (dubbed ACFlow) for analytic continuation of quantum Monte Carlo data is presented. We first give a short introduction to the analytic continuation problem. Next, three popular analytic continuation algorithms, including the maximum entropy method, the stochastic analytic continuation, and the stochastic optimization method, as implemented in this toolkit are reviewed. And then we elaborate on the major features, implementation details, basic usage, inputs, and outputs of this toolkit. Finally, four representative examples, including analytic continuations of Matsubara self-energy function, Matsubara and imaginary time Green's functions, and current-current correlation function, are shown to demonstrate the usefulness and flexibility of the ACFlow toolkit.



Condensed Matter Physics, Computational Physics, Quantum Monte Carlo Methods, Analytic Continuation
