Estimation of preheating time for building intermittent heating subject to changes in outdoor temperature and solar radiation

Published: 7 May 2024| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/thsy987z79.1
Shouchen Sun,


The procedure MainProcedure_Step2.m can be executed to obtain D preheating times that correspond to D-group model parameters. The 100 models are generated based on the given 100-group model parameters. For each model, the predicted indoor temperature corresponding to the model is obtained by bringing in the heating start time and future weather data. The optimal preheating time is obtained when the indoor temperature is the same as the setpoint at the set time. The procedure MainData_example.m can be executed to obtain 20 sets of data in similar external environments, as well as the results of model validation and preheating times validation.


Steps to reproduce

The first execution of the procedure MainProcedure_Step2.m requires Matlab-Simulink to be turned on, which takes a long time. Please refer to the second execution time for the running time of the program.


Shandong University of Science and Technology


Uncertainty Modeling, Building Heating
