Enhanced flight performance in hoverfly migrants
Supplementary data from 'Enhanced flight performance in hoverfly migrants' by Richard Massy, Will Hawkes, Scarlett Weston, Toby Doyle and Karl R. Wotton Document S1. Details about flight mill design and statistics. Figures S1 – S5. Data S2. Raw flight mill data, fly information (origin, sex, body condition and size) and morphometric information of a sample of flies. The folder also contains processed flight mill data. “RD All flights.csv” contains information per fly, pertaining to figures 2a, 3a-b and 4a. “RS Flight_stats.csv” contains information from individual flights and pertains to figure 2c. “RD Transects.csv” contains a time-transect of all flies, pertaining to figures 3c and 4b. Code S3. Python scripts required to run flight mills and process the outputted data. Analysis scripts in R pertaining to figure 1 and figures 2-4.