Data for: Multiculturalism as Adolescents’ First Preference for Acculturation in Relation to Moroccan Classmates After the Financial Crisis: A New Communicative Context
The data reflect a set of answers to different instruments to provide validity to a new instrument to measure acculturation strategies of native-born Spanish secondary education students’ acculturation preferences with respect to their peers from the Moroccan immigrant population. The answers to the new instrument are related to domains of acculturation, including cultural practices and linguistic usage (Kang, 2006). The scale targeted the native population as respondents, and focused on Moroccan students as the immigrant population. Responses were given on a five-point Likert scale (from 1 = strongly agree to 5 = strongly disagree). Also a sociodemographic questionnaire was made with information about age, sex, school year, place of birth, and parents’ country of origin and employment. Finally, measures to provide validity to the new instrument were registered: personality (Big Five questionnaire), Self-esteem (Rosenberg Self-Esteem Questionnaire) State-Trait Anxiety (State-Trait Anxiety Inventory, STAI), Interethnic in-group bias questionnaire, Sympathy toward different ethnic and national groups, Attitudinal Beliefs Toward Violence Scale (CAHV-8: Creencias y Actitudes Hacia la Violencia) and Classroom Environment Scale (Moos et al., 2000).