Original and counterfeit Colombian peso banknotes
Published: 17 January 2021| Version 2 | DOI: 10.17632/tj8kvrbfz6.2
Cesar Pachon Suescun, , Description
The dataset can be used to check systems in real-time for the detection of denominations and counterfeits in banknotes. -The dataset consists of 7280 images, which contain 13 classes, where 6 correspond to original banknotes, another 6 to counterfeits, and 1 additional category for the background. -The dataset contains rotation and partial views of the banknotes. -It contains 3 folders each of 7280 images, corresponding to ds1, ds2, and ds3. -Inside each folder, there is a training, validation, and test folder, which contains the images. -All classes are balanced in the number of images.
Universidad Militar Nueva Granada
Computer Vision, Machine Learning, Deep Learning