WRF model parameterization around the highland Titicaca Lake
Published: 2 March 2021| Version 2 | DOI: 10.17632/tjrjjr945d.2
Rober Mamani, Description
The data is from the research work "WRF model parameterization around the highland Titicaca Lake" submitted to "Earth and Space Science Journal". This cointains the namelist files for the WRF-ARW simulations, and the sounding data.
Steps to reproduce
The namelist files are configurations for the simulations using WRFV3.5.1. Here the physics models are changing in function of each simulation. The sounding data was used to validate the WRF simulations at different altitudes in the atmosphere.
Universite Libre de Bruxelles, Universidad Mayor de San Simon Facultad de Ciencias y Tecnologia
Wind, Planetary Atmosphere, Andes, Bolivia, Atmospheric Circulation