Data for: Coexistence of high-Al and high-Cr chromite orebodies in the Acoje block of the Zambales ophiolite, Philippines: Evidence for subduction initiation

Published: 19 September 2020| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/tjv86znb8c.1
Pengfei Zhang, Mei-Fu Zhou, Graciano Yumul Jr.


Table-1 and S1 present the averaged values and whole dataset of the major element and oxygen isotopic compositions of olivine grains in the Acoje harzburgites, dunite and chromitites, resepctively. Table 2 and S-2 present the averaged values and whole dataset of major element compositions of chromite grains in the Acoje harzburgites, dunite and chromitites, respectively.



Geochemistry, Ore Deposit
