FE-SEM large area tile scan showing a stained section through rosette leaves of Dionysia tapetodes at nanometre resolution.

Published: 1 February 2021| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/tk534bkb85.1
Raymond Wightman,


The data show: 1) [Dtapetodes_leaves_HR_Seciton4.tif] A single large area electron micrograph of leaves taken from Dionysia tapetodes, a mountainous plant that generates long wool threads from its trichome cells. To generate this data, several leaves (part of an individual rosette) were fixed and osmicated, stained with uranyl acetate and embedded in Quetol resin. 1 micron sections were taken and imaged as tiles using a Verios 460 FE-Scanning Electron Microscope and FEI MAPS software. The single image has been stitched from the overlapping tiles. The data allows observations of cell organelles across all the leaf tissues going from outside-inside: trichomes, epidermis, mesophyll and vasculature. We are interested in the types of organelles enriched in glandular trichome head cells and they feature large vacuoles and sometimes several spherical organelles fitting the description of spherosomes or lipid droplets. The data is best observed with the freely available ImageJ software on computers with minimum 2 Gb of available RAM: Zoom out for overviews and zoom in for sub-cellular information. The image scalings are correctly imported from the image metadata when using ImageJ otherwise each pixel equals 31.7 nanometres. 2) [wool fibre measurements report.xlsx] Images of the D. tapetodes wool threads together with measurements taken on a Keyence VHX7000 digital microscope.


Steps to reproduce

See associated reference for detailed methodology.


University of Cambridge, University of Cambridge Sainsbury Laboratory


Cell Biology, Botany, Electron Microscopy
