sequ-into demo/test data

Published: 15 June 2020| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/tk8m6h62b2.1


# sequ-into demo data This archive/folder contains the demo data for sequ-into. Most relevant workflows/use-cases are explorable with these data. Obviously the live-setup can not be fully simulated with these data, as this would require a lab, a sequencer, material, etc. However, both the retrospective analysis and the use of temporary fastq-files (basecalled, but in MinKNOW tmp-folder) from MinKNOW can be explored. ## Use-cases 1. The [first use-case](1_fastq_retro/README.MD) describes the usage of sequ-into with a FASTQ file. 2. The [second use-case](2_fast5_single_retro/README.MD) describes the usage of sequ-into with (older) single-FAST5-Files (e.g. one read per FAST5 file). This use-case is particularly useful for a retrospective analysis. 3. The [third use-case](3_fast5_live_tmp/README.MD) demonstrates the usage of FASTQ-TMP-Files with sequ-into. 4. The [fourth use-case](4_fast5_multi_retro/README.MD) describes the usage of sequ-into with modern multi-FAST5 files (e.g. multiple reads per FAST5 file). This use-case is particularly useful for retrospective analyses of recent MinION data. 5. The [fifth use-case](5_fast5_single_retro_extension/README.MD) extends the second use-case by adding more reads. This simulates the progress over time for a real-time analysis. ## Data Usage The included read data (FASTQ/FAST5/tmp-files) may only be used for testing sequ-into and remain property of the designated authors (under Data origin in each use-case). This data may be shared under CC BY NC 3.0 license. The respective authors gave consent for using these files as part of this demo data collection only.



Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitat Munchen


DNA Sequencing, RNA Sequencing
