Modelling Dominican Republic. Data.

Published: 24 October 2023| Version 2 | DOI: 10.17632/tk8ndsp9wt.2


Open data set to create the model of the energy system of the Dominican Republic to model scenarios and develop strategies to achieve the energy transition in the land transport sector. The compressed folder "DOMRETS_1_BAU_01" contains the model; this compressed folder can be loaded directly to the OSEMOSYS UI interface version 4.2. to execute and modify the energy model directly. The second file in the repository is an Excel workbook called "Modelling Dominican Republic. Data."


Steps to reproduce

The data presented is a compilation of information obtained from publications of international organizations and national organizations that regulate and develop energy policies in the Dominican Republic, including technical reports, journal articles, reviews, and databases of companies and international and national organizations related to the energy sector.


Loughborough University, Instituto Tecnologico de Santo Domingo


Energy Economics, Energy Balance, Energy Development


Loughborough University

FCDO Project Number: 300125.
