Datas for: comparison of laser precipitation monitor, piezoelectric transducer and particle imaging transient visual measurement technology
Published: 11 January 2021| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/tkbt22634z.1
Enshuai Shen, Description
The experimental data were used to assess and compare applicability of laser precipitation monitor (LPM), piezoelectric transducers (PT) and particle imaging transient visual measurement technology (PIV) for the quantification of rainfall characteristics. Three instruments, LPM, PT, and PIV, were placed in a uniform rainfall area. The experiments run when the rainfall intensity was stable. Meanwhile, the four computers were employed to record data at the same time. To get optimum results of raindrop size distribution and raindrop fall velocity, three instruments were tested for 10 minutes at each simulated rainfall intensity. Finally, the raindrop data of each instrument was exported for analysis.