Thera-prov Pathways to Enhanced Creativity Styles and Optimism in Youth
The sample comprised of N=80 youth (age ranging 18-25 years) studying in various colleges of Punjab. The Creative Styles Questionnaire (CSQ) (Kumar and Holman ,1997) and The Optimism-Pessimism Index (OPI) (Dember et al. ,1989) were used to screen individuals who were low on indices of Creative Styles and Optimism respectively. A pre-post experimental control group design was used to assess the efficacy of the intervention. Statistical analysis revealed significant differences between the pre-post experimental and control group.
Steps to reproduce
The sample comprised of N=80 youth (age ranging 18-25 years) studying in various colleges of Punjab. The Creative Styles Questionnaire (CSQ) (Kumar and Holman ,1997) and The Optimism-Pessimism Index (OPI) (Dember et al. ,1989) were used to screen individuals who were low on indices of Creative Styles and Optimism respectively. After this a 6 week Thera-prov intervention was given to the Experimental Group and Control Group was subjected to general discussions. After passage of 6 weeks scores were taken from members of both the groups on the aforementioned indices and statistical comparison was done between both groups using 2x2 mixed designs.