Data for: The Effects of the Global Pandemic on China’s ‘One belt, One Road’ Outward Foreign Direct Investment in the ASEAN Region

Published: 23 May 2020| Version 2 | DOI: 10.17632/tm2f3vzy9b.2
Nam Foo,
, Ruhul Salim


This dataset is used to investigate the effects of the global pandemic on China's outward foreign direct investment (OFDI) in the ASEAN region. The dataset using annual data from 2005-2020 to examine the impact of the global health crisis on China's OFDIs. The data for the year 2020 is a brand new dataset and based on authors' owned computations. The data is collected through the International Monetary Fund's the World Economic Outlook, The International Labour Statistics ILOSTAT, and The World Bank's World Economic Indicators.



International Economics, International Trade, Applied Economics
