Parameterized life cycle inventory (LCI) data importable to Brightway2 for power-to-methane with CO2 from direct air capture
This folder contains data used in Zhang et al., 2017, Life Cycle Assessment of Power-to-Gas: Approaches, system variations and their environmental implications, Applied Energy (vol. 190), Pages 326-338, with some recent adaptions by the author which includes the following files: - Foreground life cycle inventory database of Power-to-Gas (lci_P2M_PEM+DAC.xlsx): PEM electrolysis + capture of CO2 from Direct Air Capture (DAC), importable to Brightway2 ( - Brightway2 import script (P2M_PEM+DAC import.ipynb) The foreground database is linked with ecoinvent v3.6. For older version of ecoinvent (eg. as used in Zhang et al., 2017), migrations might be needed to handle differences between versions within ecoinvent. To use this data, please cite the following journal article: Zhang et al., 2017, Life Cycle Assessment of Power-to-Gas: Approaches, system variations and their environmental implications, Applied Energy (vol. 190), Pages 326-338 Updates: - 22.04.2020, by Xiaojin Zhang added parameterization of PEM electrolysis used in Zhang et al., 2017 added raw data documentation for DAC updated the import script, with instructions to activate parameters in Brightway2. For questions, please contact