Resting state fMRI data from four cohorts of adult mice: WT control females (n = 10); WT control males (n = 10); Ube3a2X females (n = 10); Ube3a2X males (n = 10), from Montani et al. 2024 (DOI pending). Data were acquired at the Functional Neuroimaging laboratory, IIT, Rovereto (Italy), with a 7T MRI scanner (Bruker), using a 72‐mm birdcage transmit coil and a 4‐channel solenoid coil for signal reception. rsfMRI time series were acquired using an echo planar imaging (EPI) sequence with the following parameters: TR/TE = 1000/15 ms, flip angle 30°, matrix 100 × 100, field of view 2.3 × 2.3 cm, 18 coronal slices, slice thickness 600 µm for 1920 volumes (total duration 32 minutes). It is suggested to remove the first 120 scans (2 minutes) to account for thermal gradient equilibration. In the dataset, 'F' denotes female mice, 'M' denotes male mice, and 'KO' refers to the Ube3a2X genotype.
Steps to reproduce
Please follow the preprocessing and analysis methods in Montani et al. 2024 (DOI pending).