Differentiating Rough Basalt Lava Flows Using RADAR and LiDAR: An Example from the 2014–2015 Holuhraun Lava Flow-field
In this data repository are the processed radar, LiDAR topography, statistic, and surface roughness data used in the Differentiating Rough Basalt Lava Flows Using RADAR and LiDAR: An Example from the 2014–2015 Holuhraun Lava Flow-field study. Each folder contains various data sets and images used in the study. In the repository is a text file explaining the contents of each folder to assist in navigation. The Holuhraun lava facies polygon data used in the article are not available in this data repository. This data is openly available on the University of Arizona Data Repository; Voigt, J. R. C., & Hamilton, C. W. (2021). Facies map for the 2014–2015 Holuhraun eruption in Iceland. University of Arizona, Department of Planetary Sciences, Lunar and Planetary Laboratory.