COVID-19: Time Series Datasets India versus World

Published: 12 August 2020| Version 23 | DOI: 10.17632/tmrs92j7pv.23
Rohit Salgotra,


This dataset consists of COVID-19 time series data of India since 24th March 2020. The data set is for all the States and Union Territories of India and is divided into five parts, including i) Confirmed cases; ii) Death Count; iii) Recovered Cases; iv) Temperature of that place; and v) Percentage humidity in the region. The data set also provides basic details of confirmed cases and death count for all the countries of the world updated daily since 30 January 2020. The end user can contact the corresponding author (Rohit Salgotra : for more details. . [Dataset is updated Twice a Week]


Steps to reproduce

There are multiple files in the excel sheet. File 1: Consist of the COVID-19 data for five major states of India. File 2 to 6: Consists of Individual time series of each state and Union Territories. File 7 to end: Consists of world data in terms of confirmed cases and death cases.


Risk Analysis, Forecasting Model, Time Series Forecasting, Growth Prediction, Disease Outbreaks, COVID-19
