Out of school and university student STI data
This data were collected through a structured self-administered questionnaire. The original tool that was used to collect data for the main study consisted of sociodemographic, sexual relationships and behaviours using a 39 item scale. An 18 item scale was used to measure condom use and HIV risk perception, a 16 item scale to measure knowledge of STI and awareness of partner notification, an 11 item scale was used to assess the practice and behaviour around use of partner notification slips in a subgroup of those who reported to have been diagnosed with STIs, a 11 item scale to measure the acceptability and perceived intentions to use a referral slip and SMS partner notification.For purposes of this study, we focused our measures on comparable demographics relevant to students and out of school youth sociodemographic, sexual behaviour and condom use and the questions included condom use in the last sexual act, unprotected sex, number of sex partners, concurrent partnership, and transactional sex. To assess the level of risk perception, a five-item three-scale Likert scale was employed. The students were asked how worried they were of getting HIV and the chance of contracting STIs. The response was categorised as 0 = not likely to contract the disease and was categorised as having low risk perception, and 1 = likely to contact the disease as having high risk perception. The students were asked if they were diagnosed with STIs in the last 12 months and the common symptoms they experienced. The participants who gave an affirmative response to STI diagnosis were further asked about their health-seeking behaviour and partner notification practice. The partner notification questions were compiled in a five-item measure. The questions that covered intentions to notify sexual partners if they had an STI were assessed using seven items asking whether they would notify their partner if they had an STI and the preferred partner notification method. Responses were categorised as “Yes”, “No” and “Not sure”. For prior partner notification experiences, students were asked whether they had ever informed a sexual partner that they had been diagnosed or treated for an STI, and asked them whether a sexual partner had ever informed them of an STI.