PLCP Audit Database

Published: 24 June 2024| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/tmvw6pmmrt.1
Gaurav Pathak,


The detailed dataset consists of the title of the Bills, the Ministry or Department that came up with the mentioned Bills, and the details of the consultation, whether the Bill had undergone the thirty-day stipulated public consultation as directed through the Pre-Legislative Consultation Policy of 2014. The Dataset also consist of the Date of the introduction of the Bill in the Parliament and whether it was introduced in the Upper House or the Lower House. The Dataset contains a separate section of Remarks, which mentions specific details of the Bills that are essential to interpret the public consultation of the Bills.


Steps to reproduce

The database has been generated by collating data from the official websites of ministries, Press Information Bureau of India, MyGov, newspaper advertisements and other private research platforms such as Civis, Our Gov, and PRS Legislative Research. It has been reproduced on an online data entry platform where the data entries were recorded and tabulated in the form of a worksheet. No software was utilised for this purpose.


Law, Legislation, Deliberative Democracy
