Drosophila re-zero their path integrator at the center of a fictive food patch. Behbahani et al. 2021

Published: 2 August 2021| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/tn2fb6hwmp.1


Data and code for Behbahani et al. 2021, " Drosophila re-zero their path integrator at the center of a fictive food patch."


Steps to reproduce

By running each of the Python codes from the Code folder, you can generate all panels in the Figures. The panels are saved in the Plots folder. Python codes and panels are sorted based on the Figures in the manuscript. The panels in Figure S3 can be generated using the code for Figure 1. The real fly and simulation data are in the Data folder.


California Institute of Technology


Neuroscience, Drosophila, Place Memory, Agent-Based Modeling, Path Integration
