Anatomical organization of temporally correlated neural calcium activity in the hippocampal CA1 region

Published: 9 May 2023| Version 3 | DOI: 10.17632/tnbwfw2pg2.3
lujia Chen,
, Qiao Ye, Zoran Nenadic,


Data repository for the publication "Anatomical organization of temporally correlated neural calcium activity in the hippocampal CA1 region" *Fig_3_barrier is Ai163 mouse line with endogenous calcium fluorescence expression, all other datasets use AAV1-CaMKII-GCaMP6f-WPRE-SV40 to induce calcium fluorescence Data format: - for each mice, it contains a neuronIndividuals_new.mat, ConcatenatedNeuronRecording.avi, and behav.mat neuronIndividuals_new.mat: 1x6 cell. - Each cell represent the CNMF-E extracted neuron data for the corresponding trial: - C: denoised calcium data. Each row represent the calcium trace of a single neuron - C_raw: un-denoised calcium data. - S: deconvoluted calcium spike train. Each row represent the spike train of a single neuron - A: neuron footprint. Each column represent the footprint of a single neuron, use reshape(A(:,i), 240,376) to resotre the footprint - Coor: outer boundary of each individual neurons - Cn: Original recording ROI enhanced by autocorrelation - time: timestamp of calcium signal behav.mat: 1x6 cell - behavior data of each trial, corresponds to the neuronIndividuals_new.mat - position: trajectory of mouse in trial - time: timestamp of position background: Hippocampal CA1 neuronal ensembles generate sequential patterns of firing activity that contribute to episodic memory formation and spatial cognition. Here we use in vivo calcium imaging to record neural ensemble activities in mouse hippocampal CA1 and identify CA1 excitatory neuron sub-populations whose members are active across the same second-long period of time. We identified groups of hippocampal neurons sharing temporally correlated neural calcium activity during behavioral exploration, and found that they also organized as clusters in anatomical space. Such clusters vary in membership and activity dynamics with respect to movement in different environments, but also appear during immobility in the dark suggesting an internal dynamic. The strong covariance between dynamics and anatomical location within the CA1 sub-region reveals a previously unrecognized form of topographic representation in hippocampus that may guide generation of hippocampal sequences across time and therefore organize the content of episodic memory.



University of California Irvine


Hippocampus, Calcium Imaging
