Raw data to model the implementing positive security behavior for smart device users in Indonesia
Published: 23 January 2020| Version 2 | DOI: 10.17632/tnf63kt4jf.2
, , Description
The data shows about factors explored to understanding of the positive security behavior of smart device users in Indonesia. Demographics data of user included domicile, age, gender, education, occupation field and ownership of smart device(s). Factors included stakeholder involvement (government efforts, technology provider support), user concerns (privacy concern, trust), perceived behavioral control, attitude and subjective norms toward positive security behavior. Data were collected through online survey to covers users in several regions in Indonesia. Therefore, in this data, respondents came from 19 provinces in Indonesia, although most respondents came from Provinces on the island of Java.
Universitas Indonesia
Information System, Empirical Study of User Behavior, Theory of Planned Behavior