A two-stage supply chain problem with fixed costs - 2018/12

Published: 19 December 2018| Version 2 | DOI: 10.17632/tnsw24zgmk.2
Cosmin Sabo, Andrei Horvat-Marc, Petrica Pop


The two-stage supply chain problem with fixed costs consists of designing a minimum distribution cost configuration of the manufacturers, distribution centers and retailers in a distribution network, satisfying the capacity constraints of the manufacturers and distribution centers to meet the retailers’ specific demands. This set of instances is used in the computational experiments and were generated randomly and belong to three classes of problems: smaller which consists of 2 plants, 5 distribution centers and 10 retailers, medium which consists of 4 plants, 8 distribution centers and 15 retailers and larger which consists of 6 plants, 10 distribution centers and 20 retailers.


Steps to reproduce

instance_name - instance name; m - the number of plants; d - the number of distributors; r - the number of retailers; Si - the capacity of a plant; SCj - storage capacity of a distributor; Dk - demand of retailer; Cij - unit cost of transportation from plant i to distributor j; Fij - fixed transportation cost from plant i to distributor j; Cjk - unit cost of transportation from distributor j to retailer k; Fjk - fixed transportation cost from distributor j to retailer k; Fj - fixed cost for opening distributor j;


Universitatea Tehnica din Cluj-Napoca - Centrul Universitar Nord din Baia-Mare


Supply Chain Management
