Research data for paper titled "Magnetic difference between deep and surface soil within an agricultural area South China: Implications for magnetic mineral transformation during pedogenic process under subtropical climate"
Published: 23 June 2020| Version 4 | DOI: 10.17632/tp48f8tc5j.4
Tingping OuyangDescription
This dataset includes all original data used in this paper. It includes several worksheets: Magnetic & geo_Surface soil, Magnetic & geo_Deep soil, k_T curves, IRM and backfield curves, Hysteresis parameters, and IRM parameters. Data within the first two worksheets (Magnetic property_Surface soil and Magnetic property_Deep soil) are used for Figure 2 of the paper. Data in worksheets ( k_T curves, IRM and backfield curves) are used for Figure 3 of the paper. Data in worksheet Hysteresis parameters are used for Figure 4c of the paper. Data in worksheet (IRM parameters) are used for Figure 6 of the paper.
South China Normal University
Geomagnetism, Soil