Béjard et al., 2023. Supplementary data. Planktic foraminifera population in a modern Central Mediterranean Sea sediment trap compared to basin-wide and seafloor assemblages
Published: 22 December 2023| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/tp4v6hm7dc.1
Thibauld BejardDescription
This is the supplementary data of Béjard et al., 2023. Planktic foraminifera population in a modern Central Mediterranean Sea sediment trap compared to basin-wide and seafloor assemblages. The folder contains: - An Excel spreadsheet with the raw data used in the mansucript. Count, fluxes, calculations, environmental data and statistical results appear here. - A folder with the planktic foraminifera species pictures. - A supplementary map figure with all the seabed sediment locations studied. - Statistical Past4 prgroamm codes for the different statistical analyses.
Micropaleontology, Ocean Sediment, Foram Micropaleontology, Planktonic Foraminifera