Data Package for Probabilistic Evauation of the Retaining Walls Against Rockfalls
The dataset are divided into three spreadsheets, namely, Samples Generated (first sheet), Bounce Height Contours (second sheet), and Energy Contours (third sheet). The arrangement of the data in these three sheets is as follows: (1) The first sheet contains 1000 samples generated for each input variable in Columns A to K. Additionally, the endpoint data obtained from the rockfall simulations are provided in Column I. (2) The second sheet displays data related to the bounce height obtained from the rockfall simulations. In this sheet, the location of the retaining wall is provided in Column A, and the exceedance probability is given in the 2nd row. The rest of the data, i.e., Cells B3 to N101, indicate the bounce heights. Thus, by selecting the location and target probability level, the required height of the retaining wall is specified. (3) The third sheet provides the data related to the total kinetic energy obtained from the rockfall simulations. In this sheet, the location from the slope origin is shown in Column A, and the exceedance probability is provided in the 2nd row. The rest of the data, i.e., from Cell B3 to T101, show the falling rock energy. Hence, by specifying the desired location and target probability, the total kinetic energy of the falling rocks at the selected location is determined.
Steps to reproduce
These data are obtained during numerical simulation of rockfall. More details in this regard are available in “Probabilistic Data-Driven Framework for Performance Assessment of Retaining Walls against Rockfalls”.