Inter-Domain Path Computation under Node-defined Domain Uniqueness Constraint
+ The tested data for Inter-Domain Path Computation under Domain Uniqueness constraint (IDPCDU). + On account of no public dataset to be available for the IDPC-NDU problem, two distinct types of instances are created based on the dataset of IDPC-EDU, which is also a shortest-path problem. We first generated three parameters for each instance: number of nodes, number of domains, and number of edges. After that, an optimal path p where the weight of edges is equal to 1 and the number of domains on p is approximately the input graph’s domain number. Next, the noise is added to the instance by for every node in p, besides random weight edges, several random one-weight edges from that node to some other nodes not in p and some random edges with greater values of weight than the total cost of p are added into. These traps make simple greedy algorithms harder to find the optimal solution. Especially in Type 2, feasible paths whose length is less than three are removed. The datasets are categorized into two kinds regarding dimensionality: small instances, each of which has between 50 and 2000 vertices, and large instances, each of which has over 2000 vertices. + Filename idpc_<number of nodes>_<number of domain>_<number of edges>.idpc First line of a file constains two intergers N and D, which are number of nodes and number of domains, respectively. Second line contains two integers s and t, which are the source node and terminal node. Every next line contains four integers u, v, w, d, represents an edge (u,v) has weight w and belong to domain d.