Hair and Salivary Steroids in Men with AGA and Controls
Hair and saliva samples were collected in the receding hairline and occipital region of men with androgentic alopecia (AGA) and in frontal, temporal, mid-scalp, vertex regions of control participants. Saliva samples were collected immediately upon wakening from nocturnal sleep (0 min), 30 min after, and 60 min after awakening form the participants of both groups. Cortisol, testosterone, and dihydrotestosterone (DHT) levels in hair and saliva samples were determined using radoimmunoassay. The levels of steroids in hair and saliva samples in control participants and men with AGA were described in sheet of "Controls" and "Men with AGA" respectively. In both sheets, ID represents the identification of each participant, Family history represents the present (1) or absence (0) of a family history of hair loss, and BMI represents body mass index.