Service encounter Incivility dataset Harare October2022
Published: 24 January 2023| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/tpx2p4jfsr.1
, Description
Data collected on the Evaluation of service encounter incivility and its effects on employee job stress, turnover intention and labor attrition in Harare, Zimbabwe. The data was used to estimate model parameters using SEM in a theoretically hypothesised model. The research used a mono quantitative approach therefore only deductive methods can be used to enterpret the data.
Steps to reproduce
The data was gathered from 14 fast food service providers in Harare. The meausrement scales were adopted from extant services marketing literature. Permission was sought from the providers and there was voluntary participation. The privacy and confidentiality of participants was guaranted and mantained before and after data collection.
Zimbabwe Ezekiel Guti University
Marketing, Behavioral Psychology, Marketing of Service