Socioeconomic Status and Treatment Outcomes for Women with Genito-Pelvic Pain Penetration Disorder: A dataset.

Published: 2 May 2023| Version 2 | DOI: 10.17632/tr3y82y2jy.2
Alvaro Manuel Rodriguez Rodriguez,


Dyspareunia, a common sexual disorder, can be effectively treated through multimodal physiotherapy approaches, including education. However, it's unclear whether socioeconomic factors influence the effectiveness of educational therapies for dyspareunia. This article presents a dataset used in a pilot randomized controlled trial that aimed to investigate any potential correlation between socioeconomic status and the outcomes of a therapeutic educational program for dyspareunia. The study evaluated the impact of the program on 69 women with dyspareunia and measured pain intensity, pain-related outcomes, and sexual functioning over time. Socioeconomic status measurements were collected in February 2022, and the study found no significant correlation between any of the outcomes of the intervention and socioeconomic status measurements. These findings suggest that education is a powerful tool that can improve sexuality outcomes for patients with dyspareunia, regardless of their socioeconomic background.



Universidad de Oviedo Facultad de Medicina y Ciencias de la Salud, Fundacion para la Investigacion e Innovacion Biosanitaria del Principado de Asturias


Education, Sexual Health, Sexual Dysfunction, Therapeutics, Penetration, Socioeconomic Status, Pelvic Pain, Pelvic Floor
